Avants (Les)
A charming village located at an altitude of 1000 meters (about 3300 feet), Les Avants is a gateway to the Pays-d'Enhaut and the Vaud Prealps. The village was one of the first ski resorts in Switzerland, and although the snow is not what it used to be, a number of winter activities remain today (sled run of over 2 km, with a cog railway lift), the ski run and cross-country ski trail of Orgevaux (cleared & marked), and diverse activities of Orgiride (snow park).

Paradise of the narcisses flowers in May and June, Les Avants has always let nature play the main role. A number of walking trails to Jaman Pass, Pays-d'Enhaut, Montreux, the Chauderon Gorge, make good starting points for the different hiking possibilities. Les Avants is also a stop on the cultural hiking trail which crosses all of Switzerland.

Les Avants is an appreciated stopover for hikers and gastronomes. Several restaurants and hotels as well as a little bakery make the village an especially welcoming place for all those who appreciate good food and a certain quality of living.

Useful links

Swiss Canton of Vaud (iSwitzerland Guide) - Wikipedia

Contact: Société des Intérêts des Avants
Gare MOB - CH-1833 Les Avants
+41 21 964 55 35 - info@lesavants.ch


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