Avenue Rambert |  |
Towards the center of Clarens, the avenue joins Rue Gambetta a little above the CFF railway station. In the direction of Montreux, it runs along the railway track to the upper streets of the city. |
Chemin de Clarenjaux (1) |  |
The path passes the MOB railway crossing (Montreux-Oberland Bernois) and continues to descend steeply. |
Chemin de Clarenjaux (2) |  |
Beautiful perspectives open on Lake Geneva and the vineyards. |
Chemin de Clarenjaux (3) |  |
Arriving near Chemin des Vignes, the view over the Châtelard Castle and the vineyard becomes impressive, with Lake Geneva, Clarens and Mount Pèlerin in the background. |
Chemin de Clarenjaux (4) |  |
Chemin des Vignes ends at the steep Chemin de Clarenjaux, which climbs towards Route des Colondalles and descends the slope towards Avenue Rambert. Continuing straight, you follow the hillside of Belmont in the direction of Montreux. |
Chemin de l´Oche-Thorens (1) |  |
We are here at the top of the stairs that go down to Rue Gambetta. Towards lake, the street joins Avenue Rambert which goes to the center of Montreux, mountain side it goes to Tavel and Châtelard Castle. |
Chemin de l´Oche-Thorens (2) |  |
We are here at the beginning of Chemin des Vignes, which allows a nice walk at the foot of the vineyard. |
Chemin des Vignes (1) |  |
Chemin des Vignes runs along the bottom of the large vineyard which stretches on the slopes of the Châtelard hill. It offers superb views of the vines and the castle in all seasons. |
Chemin des Vignes (2) |  |
Chemin des Vignes runs along the bottom of the large vineyard which stretches on the slopes of the Châtelard hill. It offers superb views of the vines and the castle in all seasons. |
Chemin des Vignes (3) |  |
Chemin des Vignes runs along the bottom of the large vineyard which stretches on the slopes of the Châtelard hill. It offers superb views of the vines and the castle in all seasons. |
Chemin des Vignes (4) |  |
Chemin des Vignes runs along the bottom of the large vineyard which stretches on the slopes of the Châtelard hill. It offers superb views of the vines and the castle in all seasons. |
Chemin des Vignes (5) |  |
Chemin des Vignes runs along the bottom of the large vineyard which stretches on the slopes of the Châtelard hill. It offers superb views of the vines and the castle in all seasons. |
Clarens Train Station |  |
Clarens train station is only served by omnibus trains. We are here on platform 2 (direction Valais), in front of the underpass which allows you to go to the other platform. |
Escaliers de l´Oche-Thorens |  |
This staircase connects Rue Gambetta to Chemin de l'Oche-Thorens just above. At the top of the stairs, go left to reach Chemin des Vignes or to climb up to the Châtelard Castle. |
Parc des Charmes |  |
On the satellite map, this spot is still a green space. Since 2019, it is occupied by a large building and a small public park. The new headquarters of fusions.ch is located in this building. |
Place Alice-Rivaz |  |
On Rue du Port, at the intersection of Chemin du Petit-Clos, this small square pays homage to Vaud writer Alice Rivaz (1901-1998), who grew up in Clarens. |
Route des Colondalles (6) |  |
Continue straight towards Montreux, you will soon see Chemin de Clarenjaux on your right. |
Route des Colondalles (7) |  |
We are looking here towards Châtelard. Behind us, the Colondalles road continues towards Montreux. This is where Chemin de Clarenjaux begins, which descends steeply to Chemin des Vignes and the center of Clarens. |
Rue du Port (3) |  |
Rue du Port starts from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) and goes up to Rue Gambetta just before the railway bridge. It is one of the rare remains of Old Clarens, bordered by some beautiful old mansions. |
Rue du Port (4) |  |
Rue du Port starts from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) and goes up to Rue Gambetta just before the railway bridge. It is one of the rare remains of Old Clarens, bordered by some beautiful old mansions. |
Rue du Port (5) |  |
Rue du Port starts from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) and goes up to Rue Gambetta just before the railway bridge. It is one of the rare remains of Old Clarens, bordered by some beautiful old mansions. |
Rue du Port (6) |  |
Rue du Port starts from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) and goes up to Rue Gambetta just before the railway bridge. It is one of the rare remains of Old Clarens, bordered by some beautiful old mansions. |
Rue du Port (7) |  |
Rue du Port starts from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) and goes up to Rue Gambetta just before the railway bridge. It is one of the rare remains of Old Clarens, bordered by some beautiful old mansions. |
Rue du Sacre-du-Printemps (1) |  |
To go for a walk on Chemin des Vignes, go up the stairs then turn left. To go to Castle of Châtelard, go up the street that climbs parallel to Rue Gambetta. |
Rue du Sacre-du-Printemps (2) |  |
The street was named in memory of the famous work of Igor Stravinsky, which was partially composed in the beautiful turret house that you see on your left. |
Rue Gambetta (1) |  |
Rue Gambetta goes up from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) towards Chailly and the motorway. Just before the railway bridge, take Rue du Port on the right to go down to the lakeshore along some rare and picturesque buildings of Old Clarens. |
Rue Gambetta (2) |  |
We are here at the Clarens-Gare (railway station) bus stop (line 204 to Montreux). Go up the street and around the post office to go to the railway station. Rue Gambetta goes up from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) towards Chailly and the motorway. |
Rue Gambetta (3) |  |
We are here facing the Clarens Post Office. Go around the building to go to the railway station. Rue Gambetta goes up from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) towards Chailly and the motorway. |
Rue Gambetta (4) |  |
Rue Gambetta goes up from Rue du Lac (main road along the lakeshore) towards Chailly and the motorway. We are here at the crossroads where start Avenue Rambert (towards Montreux) and Avenue des Brayères (which joins Avenue du Châtelard a little further). |
Rue Gambetta (5) |  |
Rue Gambetta 43, at Oche-Thorens bus stop of VMCV line 204, which starts at Montreux Casino, passes at the Montreux and Clarens railway stations and ends in Chailly. |
Sentier des Bionnaires (1) |  |
Sentier des Bionnaires goes through the vineyard at the foot of Château des Crêtes, on the right bank of the Baye de Clarens river. To north, it starts at Route de Chailly and, to south, it allows to go to the CFF railway station of Clarens. |
Sentier des Bionnaires (2) |  |
Sentier des Bionnaires goes through the vineyard at the foot of Château des Crêtes, on the right bank of the Baye de Clarens river. To north, it starts at Route de Chailly and, to south, it allows to go to the CFF railway station of Clarens. |
Sentier des Bionnaires (3) |  |
Sentier des Bionnaires goes through the vineyard at the foot of Château des Crêtes, on the right bank of the Baye de Clarens river. To north, it starts at Route de Chailly and, to south, it allows to go to the CFF railway station of Clarens. |
Sentier des Bionnaires (4) |  |
Sentier des Bionnaires goes through the vineyard at the foot of Château des Crêtes, on the right bank of the Baye de Clarens river. To north, it starts at Route de Chailly and, to south, it allows to go to the CFF railway station of Clarens. |
Sentier des Bionnaires (5) |  |
Sentier des Bionnaires goes through the vineyard at the foot of Château des Crêtes, on the right bank of the Baye de Clarens river. To north, it starts at Route de Chailly and, to south, it allows to go to the CFF railway station of Clarens. |