Pas de Morgins
The Pas de Morgins is a medium altitude pass (1371m) located on the French-Swiss border, between the Haute-Savoie department and the Valais canton. It is also a charming biotope around a small lake that invites you to take a walk.

It is the crossing point of the road linking Thonon-les-Bains, on the French side of Lake Geneva, to Monthey, the main town of the Valais Chablais, through the Val d'Abondance and the Val d'Illiez via the Morgins valley. Leaving aside the road along Lake Geneva through St-Gingolph, this is the only route linking the Swiss and French parts of the Chablais.

On the Swiss side, the resort of Morgins (Portes du Soleil ski area) is nearby. On the French side, the villages of Châtel and Abondance, in other words the home of the famous Abondance AOC cheese, can be found below.

The charm of this place of passage is a tiny lake which constitutes a particular biotope. Lake Morgins is a protected site, a relic of a glacial lake. It is a small body of water with an area of wet vegetation, low marshes and wet meadows to the south.

The whole area is bordered by spruce forests and pastures and is a romantic place where you can enjoy stopping to dream a little or walk along the path that runs alongside it. Beware: fishing is forbidden here!

Lake Morgins is also the starting point of the Sentier de l'Eau, an educational trail on the theme of water and the environment that runs to Lake Vonne, near Châtel (France). Open all year round, this trail lasts about 1h15 (round trip) and is easy to find: from the car park at Lake Morgins, just follow the water drop markers!

Useful links

Swiss Canton of Valais (iSwitzerland Guide) - Wikipedia

Contact: Office de Tourisme de Morgins
Place du Carillon 1 - CH-1875 Morgins
+41 24 477 23 61 -


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