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Sigeroulaz, a mountain pasture above Vercorin (14 panoramas)
The cable car that goes up from Vercorin to Crêt-du-Midi has an intermediate station at the Sigeroulaz alpine pasture, at an altitude of 1866m. The gondola slows down and the door opens. Go out for a little walk, there's some beautiful scenery and a little restaurant - don't hesitate!

Vercorin cable car stations
Top station of the Chalais-Vercorin cable car
View over the Rhône Plain from the top station of the Chalais-Vercorin cable car, 350m from the village centre and 800m from the bottom station of the Crêt-du-Midi cable car. The cable car operates all year round, with departures every quarter of an hour during the day.

Vercorin cable car stations
Vercorin, cable car to Crêt-du-Midi
The cable car climbs to Crêt-du-Midi, at an altitude of 2333m, with the option of stopping at the intermediate station on the Sigeroulaz mountain pasture. It's an excursion that's suitable for all ages, for skiing in winter, hiking the rest of the year, or just admiring the view, having a drink or a bite to eat.

Vercorin cable car stations
Bottom station of the Chalais-Vercorin cable car
The village of Chalais was probably originally founded by the inhabitants of Vercorin to be closer to the vines they grew on the plain. The two villages have formed a single municipality since the 16th century, and a cable car links them every 15 minutes throughout the year.

Vercorin cable car stations
The Crêt-du-Midi, a peak culminating at 2333m above Vercorin (19 panoramas)
If you go around the restaurant next to the cable car station, you'll find a little hidden path that leads to this magnificent viewpoint. This is the true summit of the Crêt-du-Midi and the only place where the view is 360°, even if the roofs of the restaurant and cable car station obscure it somewhat.

Vercorin cable car stations
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